Hello We gonna make something that looks like this at first you will need few things 1 - snow flakes brush You can get it from Here I my self liked them 2 - a photo with alot of tiny baubles ( you can try making one your self .. i didnt try :') ) i used this You can get it Here 3 - A nice font for the design i used Frosty Ok .. nice .. u have all the tools make a new document .. 1920x1080 is the best size for this design make a new layer open the color picker of your background color and select a cool dark blue ( I used "13495a" ) then press ctrl + backspace to fill this new layer with your color then press ctrl + shift+ e to merge the two layers into one "I recommend adding this color to your swatches" then press d to reset your foreground , background colors to black and white make a new layer go to Filter...